Seminary Extension
The Cumberland Baptist Association is a certified Seminary Extension Center. We offer courses in the Fall and Winter over a wide range of studies and interests. Seminary Extension is a diploma level course of study. Those completing the required course work can receive a Seminary Extension Diploma. Some courses may even be transferred for college credit (colleges are not required to accept credits earned through Seminary Extension).
Click Here for more information.
Seminary Extension is a ministry of the Southern Baptist Convention, under the direction of the Council of Seminary Presidents of the six Southern Baptist seminaries, equipping God's people for Christian ministry around the world since 1951.
The goal of Seminary Extension is to provide an opportunity for Biblically accurate theological education and ministry training to every interested believer. Seminary Extension is dedicated to education and training men and women in order to increase their love for God and their service to Him. The courses offered provide excellent learning opportunities for all church members, including bi-vocational and fully compensated ministers who are interested in formal equipping for life and ministry.
Fall 2020
History of Christianity
Dr. Rick Stevens, Teacher
Date: TBA
Time: TBA
Place: CBA New Office located at 2758 Trenton Road Clarksville, TN 37040