Disaster Relief
Disaster Relief Training
Cost: $35 for background check and credentialing
Training courses Offered: TBA
About Disaster Relief
We are your Cumberland Baptist Associational Disaster Relief Team. We are a group volunteers within the Cumberland Baptist Association trained and ready to respond to disaster and devastation with help, with healing, and with hope. All over America, and even internationally, we help people to clear away the debris, the mud and the ashes. We make God’s love real to those who desperately need it.
Our work is done in three different areas:
Readiness— is the work that prepares volunteer; this includes specialized training as well equipment readiness
Response--the work we do immediately after a crisis occurs. When disaster strikes we respond by going to the disaster. We bring trained personnel, equipment, and hope to help bring stability to the situation.
Recovery-- is the work we do when we return home. This includes the cleaning, maintenance, and replacement of equipment, replenishing supplies, and getting ready for the next disaster.
We are part of TN Southern Baptist Association