CBA Summer Missionary

June 1, 2025 through July 31, 2025

(Training may begin as early as the last week of May)

Application deadline-March 15, 2025

Click here to download the application

What does your summer look like?  We have a way for you to stay based in Clarksville, TN with a measure of flexibility and explore God's call on your life, while helping churches and beyond! You will get to learn about sharing your faith, see what ministry looks like in several settings, and get to meet some great people. We do provide a small weekly stipend for our missionaries. Our summer missionary program last year was a great success! 

Student Testimonials



This opportunity allowed me to learn, grow, and use the gifts that God has given me in a variety of different ways. We did everything from serving our local churches by helping with Vacation Bible Schools and Camps to loving and serving the people of Washington State and the Dominican Republic. It was a summer of learning what it truly looks like to live life on mission wherever He places us.



This program really grew me and pushed outside of my comfort zone. I had the privilege of serving all summer long, but in multiple different ways. It was so awesome to see how God worked everything out during the summer, and how He grew my relationships with my fellow missionaries. It was a great way to spend my summer and I would encourage anyone, eligible to apply.



My experience as a summer missionary for the CBA gave me an abundance of opportunities to share the gospel. Through this program, God deepened my faith and dependence on Him for strength and He further filled my heart with His grace and love that overflowed. I am so grateful for the variety of ministry opportunities that the CBA allowed me to play a part in.